Email Marketing, Growth Hacking, List Growth, Marketing

The 4 Deadly Sins of Email Marketing

Are you a marketing saint or sinner?

So, you have created a kick a$$ email campaign and your boss is going to love you for it. You think to yourself, “Brad, you beautiful genius, you’ve done it again!” After the sun rises the next day, your mood changes quickly as your open rates flatline at a measly 5%. Like some cruel joke, the campaign was an epic fail.

What went wrong? It all started so well, but somewhere, somehow it all derailed. As email marketing junkies, we know that sometimes bad things can happen to good campaigns. And since you’ve always been there for us, we’re happy to help you avoid getting fired. You can make sure your next campaign doesn’t crash and burn by avoiding these 4 deadly sins of email marketing

1.  Sending to purchased lists

Repeat after me: I solemnly swear by the power invested me by the Email Gods, that I will, never ever buy a purchased list. See? That was so easy. Now, honor your vow because not only is it a huge waste of money, but it’s going to get you blacklisted. Plus think about the poor souls on that purchased list who really don’t want to hear from you. Do the right thing. Go on. #RIPpurchasedlists.   

2. You lied in your subject line

We all love to be winners. So who wouldn’t open an email titled, “You’ve won a prize!”? But are you really giving away something prize-worthy or will readers be disappointed and feel cheated? Don’t be that person. Be authentic and honest.

Spam Subject Lines

3. Your email is a snooze-fest

Rihanna said it best. Make your email ‘shine bright like a diamond’. When I see text-heavy, plain emails, I die a little inside. And I bet you do too. Life is too short to be boring. Find your voice and use your personality. Think visually to add some oomph with sexy videos, funny GIFs or breath-taking images to stop your readers in their tracks. Check out our impressive email templates for a dose of inspiration.

4. Trying to be all things to all people

Ok you’ve got me. I suffer from serious FOMO. I want to be liked just as much as you do. But that often leads people down scary tracks. In the pursuit of appealing to everyone, people become generic, forgettable and boring. Stop worrying about the customers you’ll lose and just be yourself. Get to know your target audience like your BFF and you’ll be able to write to them in a way that makes them fall-in-love with you over and over again.

Deadly Sins of Email Marketing

The moral of the story: If you want attention, you need to earn it. Talk like a human to other humans you know really well and make real connections, build a cult-like following and watch your business grow. When it comes to email marketing, reach for the stars – your customers are worth it.

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